Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Opening Day at Casa de Refugio

February 17, 2012 - Opening Day at Casa de Refugio!!!
Casa de Refugio
Our Brand New Windows
Cleaning for Opening Day

More Cleaning
The girls cleaning (Sidenote: That is our FIMRC CEO on her knees
cleaning bat feces off the floor!  What a leader!)

Group waiting to see Pediatrician 

Patient Intakes

More Patient Intakes 
Baby on scale (Sidnote: This scale was donated by
 Clemson FIMRC last year!!1)
Dr. Cortez

Jessica entertaining kids while they wait
Our Meds in the Pharmacy
Changes happening for FIMRC Project Limon!!!

God Bless!

Week 8 Update!

Week 8:                                                           (2/21/2012)

Wow!  Where to even begin?… As slow as the last 7 weeks have been, this week has been the complete opposite.  We have done more stuff this week than all the previous weeks combined.

On Tuesday, I had a lunch date with Darrell and Linda Hinson.  The Hinson’s are 2 missionaries from my home church, AMRBC, who are serving in Granada, Nicaragua.  They were vacationing near me this week, so I met them at Rancho Santana to have lunch.  It was awesome getting to know them as well as hang out with people I could relate to.  I will be spending some time with them in Granada in mid-April, which I’m so excited about!

This week we were also privileged enough to have the CEO of FIMRC, Meredith Mick here at our Limon site.  After my lunch date with Darrell and Linda, I had a meeting with Meredith and Caroline, the Field Operations Manager here in Nica.  Meredith has came in and completely revamped Project Limon.  We now all have a purpose, vision, and jobs to accomplish.  Not only will I have my Teen Project, but I will also be in charge of patient intakes for the pediatrician as well as converting our paper charts to electronic medical records.
Caroline,  Me,  Meredith (FIMRC CEO), and Jessica 
FIMRC Project Limon Team:  Yaniera, Matt, Caroline, & Jessica
On Friday, Caroline and I when to Las Salinas Secondary School to talk to the director about our teen program.  The director was very excited about our project and was more than willing to help us.  We are attending a parent/student meeting at the school on Thursday to present our program to everyone.  I have to stand in front of the whole school and their parents and present our project (in Spanish!!!).  I’m nervous about it, but I just have to dive in and go for it!  If all goes well, our first session will be next week!

The most exciting thing that happened this week was we finally moved to our own building.  Ever since Project Limon started (2009), we have operated out of the Las Salinas Health Post.  We worked very close with Martita and Gloria, the nurses, as well as the government doctor.  Two years ago FIMRC got the approval to use the Casa de Refugio, a community building (next door to the clinic) as our FIMRC headquarters.  2 years later….we finally crossed over!!!!  On Friday afternoon, we officially opened the door and saw patients at our own clinic.  It’s exciting that things are finally changing around here.
Las Salinas Health Post

Casa de Refugio (New home of FIMRC!!!)
Food Update: This week I experienced: Hamburger, Cucumbers, Oreos, Sprite 
I love and miss my American food so much, but I’m slowly experiencing a little bit of it here in Nica!

Most Importantly…. What did God teach me this week???  I’m over halfway through the Book of Matthew.  This book has a lot of great verses, and for the most part it’s Jesus teaching and healing people.  Learning from the greatest Teacher is very comforting and is definitely helping me through this journey.  NewSpring has started a new series called Overwhelmed.  It’s awesome how perfectly timed it is for me.  I watched the 1st sermon last Saturday, which was a huge blessing to me.  The series should last 7-8 weeks, so I can’t wait to see what is in store for that.  If you are interested, visit www.newspring.cc.   You will be blessed!

Don’t focus on the labor, focus on the Lord.  Don’t focus on your situation, focus on the Savior!  God is Great! God is Able! God is faithful!   Have a great week this week as you walk with Christ in your life!   

Mark 5:36  Jesus Said, “Don’t be afraid; just believe!”

God Bless!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week 7

Week 7:                                                                       (2/14/2012)

This week was another rather uneventful week here in Nicaragua.  I worked some on my Youth Group, some on MCAT stuff, and a lot on my Acts devotion and reading Crazy Love.  When I wasn’t doing any of that I was on the beach  (4 of the 7 days!) 

I finished my journey through the book of Acts. Reading about Paul’s life, faith, and boldness was inspiring.  I hope to have half the faith that Paul had.  I also finished reading the book, Crazy Love.  This book taught me what truly loving God should be like!  It allowed me to examine my life and my relationship with Christ.  God is continuing to teach me more and more every day.  I’m now am committed to reading the Gospels of the New Testament.  I started yesterday on the Gospel of Matthew.  My goal is to get from Matthew through Romans during my time here in Nicaragua. 

On Thursday we said goodbye to our FIMRC Pediatrician, Dr. Moralas.  He is leaving us to go study Urology in Mexico.  After work on Thursday, a group of us went to Hacienda Iguana, a nice, private resort about 20 minutes away.  We hung out by the pool and beach there and relaxed and watched the sun set.  
FIMRC group with Dr. Moralas (guy to the right of me)
The most exciting part about this week was the food.  I finally experienced American food in Nicaragua!  This week I had pizza, a hot dog, and popcorn for the first time.  As you can see, the little things make me happy here.  

If we focus on our situation it will lead to anxiety, fear, worry and depression.  If we focus on our Savior it leads to peace (John 14:27), hope, joy and victory (I Corinthians 15:57!)

I look forward to what will come during Week 8.  I pray God bless you and keep you safe over this next week! 

God Bless!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Meet Some of My Nica Family!

Here in Nicaragua, I live with a family of 5: Mama Marcia; 3 of her 4 children Aldofo (23), Eveling (19), & Yoiseling (18); and her grandson, Manuelito (7).  Below are a few of them.  I will try to get pictures with Mama Marcia and Aldofo soon!

Manuelito and Me

Yoiseling and Me

Eveling and Me
I was blessed with an awesome family here in Nicaragua!  They have welcomed me into their family and treated me like a brother!  The 3 kids are all going back to University in 3 weeks, so I'm trying to enjoy my time with them!  

Life is Good!

God Bless!  

Week 6

Week 6:                                                                       (2/7/2012)

February is finally here!!!  I’m so excited that we are entering another month that will soon start to get busy.  Primary and secondary schools start back on Monday (They have been on summer break since the beginning of December).  Manuelito, the little boy I live will, is so excited to go back! I am now trying to finalize my curriculum for my youth group project.  Caroline and I will hopefully be going to the schools next week and trying to find the teens that will be our first group.

This past week has been one of the more slow weeks I have had here.  The clinic was closed most of the week and most people were out of town.  There was a four-day span that I had absolutely nothing on my agenda. (That might sound nice to most of you, but I hate down time).

I recently have been extremely motivated with the MCAT.  I was going to delay taking it until September or even next year, but I’m feeling like God is telling me the time is now.  Since I currently have plenty of down time, I have now started wanting to study for it and prepare for the test.  I have decided I will be taking it in July, so I’m trying to get as much in as I possibly can while I am here.

I’m currently walking through the book of Acts.  I downloaded a devotional from NewSpring website and using that as I guideline.  I also recently started my third book, Crazy Love.  My friend, Leah, gave it to me a while back, but I never finished it.  I’m excited to see what I learn from this short book.

On Sunday, I went to a SuperBowl party at the Surf Sanctuary, an American resort here in town.  I was excited to get to watch the game and commercials in English.  I missed not watching it at home, and I especially missed the buffalo chicken dip.  During halftime I skyped with some of my family.  I got to see my parents, sister, Uncle Wade, Aunt Faye, Jake, Taylor, and Clark.  It always makes me excited to see my family!!!  Skype is a God-send and I don’t know what I would do without it here. 

My verse for the week:
‎"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

God Bless!