Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week 7

Week 7:                                                                       (2/14/2012)

This week was another rather uneventful week here in Nicaragua.  I worked some on my Youth Group, some on MCAT stuff, and a lot on my Acts devotion and reading Crazy Love.  When I wasn’t doing any of that I was on the beach  (4 of the 7 days!) 

I finished my journey through the book of Acts. Reading about Paul’s life, faith, and boldness was inspiring.  I hope to have half the faith that Paul had.  I also finished reading the book, Crazy Love.  This book taught me what truly loving God should be like!  It allowed me to examine my life and my relationship with Christ.  God is continuing to teach me more and more every day.  I’m now am committed to reading the Gospels of the New Testament.  I started yesterday on the Gospel of Matthew.  My goal is to get from Matthew through Romans during my time here in Nicaragua. 

On Thursday we said goodbye to our FIMRC Pediatrician, Dr. Moralas.  He is leaving us to go study Urology in Mexico.  After work on Thursday, a group of us went to Hacienda Iguana, a nice, private resort about 20 minutes away.  We hung out by the pool and beach there and relaxed and watched the sun set.  
FIMRC group with Dr. Moralas (guy to the right of me)
The most exciting part about this week was the food.  I finally experienced American food in Nicaragua!  This week I had pizza, a hot dog, and popcorn for the first time.  As you can see, the little things make me happy here.  

If we focus on our situation it will lead to anxiety, fear, worry and depression.  If we focus on our Savior it leads to peace (John 14:27), hope, joy and victory (I Corinthians 15:57!)

I look forward to what will come during Week 8.  I pray God bless you and keep you safe over this next week! 

God Bless!

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