Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Week 8 Update!

Week 8:                                                           (2/21/2012)

Wow!  Where to even begin?… As slow as the last 7 weeks have been, this week has been the complete opposite.  We have done more stuff this week than all the previous weeks combined.

On Tuesday, I had a lunch date with Darrell and Linda Hinson.  The Hinson’s are 2 missionaries from my home church, AMRBC, who are serving in Granada, Nicaragua.  They were vacationing near me this week, so I met them at Rancho Santana to have lunch.  It was awesome getting to know them as well as hang out with people I could relate to.  I will be spending some time with them in Granada in mid-April, which I’m so excited about!

This week we were also privileged enough to have the CEO of FIMRC, Meredith Mick here at our Limon site.  After my lunch date with Darrell and Linda, I had a meeting with Meredith and Caroline, the Field Operations Manager here in Nica.  Meredith has came in and completely revamped Project Limon.  We now all have a purpose, vision, and jobs to accomplish.  Not only will I have my Teen Project, but I will also be in charge of patient intakes for the pediatrician as well as converting our paper charts to electronic medical records.
Caroline,  Me,  Meredith (FIMRC CEO), and Jessica 
FIMRC Project Limon Team:  Yaniera, Matt, Caroline, & Jessica
On Friday, Caroline and I when to Las Salinas Secondary School to talk to the director about our teen program.  The director was very excited about our project and was more than willing to help us.  We are attending a parent/student meeting at the school on Thursday to present our program to everyone.  I have to stand in front of the whole school and their parents and present our project (in Spanish!!!).  I’m nervous about it, but I just have to dive in and go for it!  If all goes well, our first session will be next week!

The most exciting thing that happened this week was we finally moved to our own building.  Ever since Project Limon started (2009), we have operated out of the Las Salinas Health Post.  We worked very close with Martita and Gloria, the nurses, as well as the government doctor.  Two years ago FIMRC got the approval to use the Casa de Refugio, a community building (next door to the clinic) as our FIMRC headquarters.  2 years later….we finally crossed over!!!!  On Friday afternoon, we officially opened the door and saw patients at our own clinic.  It’s exciting that things are finally changing around here.
Las Salinas Health Post

Casa de Refugio (New home of FIMRC!!!)
Food Update: This week I experienced: Hamburger, Cucumbers, Oreos, Sprite 
I love and miss my American food so much, but I’m slowly experiencing a little bit of it here in Nica!

Most Importantly…. What did God teach me this week???  I’m over halfway through the Book of Matthew.  This book has a lot of great verses, and for the most part it’s Jesus teaching and healing people.  Learning from the greatest Teacher is very comforting and is definitely helping me through this journey.  NewSpring has started a new series called Overwhelmed.  It’s awesome how perfectly timed it is for me.  I watched the 1st sermon last Saturday, which was a huge blessing to me.  The series should last 7-8 weeks, so I can’t wait to see what is in store for that.  If you are interested, visit www.newspring.cc.   You will be blessed!

Don’t focus on the labor, focus on the Lord.  Don’t focus on your situation, focus on the Savior!  God is Great! God is Able! God is faithful!   Have a great week this week as you walk with Christ in your life!   

Mark 5:36  Jesus Said, “Don’t be afraid; just believe!”

God Bless!

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