Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week 2 Update

Week 2:                                                                                               1/10/12

I’ve now been in Nicaragua for 2 full weeks.  The initial shock has worn off and now I’m starting to soak it all in.  My Spanish in coming along…slowly but steady.  My family loves teaching me and Yanerra at the clinic loves when I practice with her. 

God’s timing is perfect!  He knows what I need at exactly the right time.  Last week I was extremely lonely and discouraged.  To my surprise, we had a visitor at the house this week.  Sophia, a past intern that lived in the room I’m living in, was coming down for a week to visit the family.  She was a God-send!!!  Throughout the week Sophia encouraged me and explained to me everything about the culture and family here.  She probably got tired of all my questions, but she will never know how thankful I was to have her here this week.

This week has been full of new experiences:
1)    I tried surfing for the 1st time (not too good at that)
2)    1st bike crash here in Nica (I’m sure it wont be the last)
3)    1st hour long bike rides at night by myself to watch NCAA football games
4)    1st sunset on beach
5)    1st week working at the clinic
6)    1st encounter with special needs kids (1 with Down Syndrome, 1 with C.P)
7)    1st sunburn of trip (1st of many…I’m determined to come back darker)

Work has officially started at the clinic.  The group from Rutgers has come and gone.  We got a new group here from University of Texas yesterday.  Most weeks when groups are here I will be helping out with them, but on off weeks, I will be working on my projects.  Caroline and I finally sat down and talked about potential projects, which will probably include:
1)    I will be working with a lady in the community to organize and start a sports program in the town.  We will set up soccer and softball leagues for the kids to become active in during the next couple of months.  Katie, a previous intern, somewhat began planning with the lady at the biblioteca, but Katie only stayed in Nica for a month.  This is something that will be sustainable even when I am gone.
2)    Caroline and I also want to start a “youth group” here as well.  We will be going into the schools (once they are back in from summer break) and seeking out the most responsible kids.  We will work with these kids to become role models for the other kids in order for them to go back and teach them as well.  Caroline and I will come up with a curriculum for the program and figure out how to implement it.  The curriculum will of course be health related and encourage them to make smart choices in order to maximize their future. 
These projects are still in the beginning stages.  I know in some way I will incorporate sex ed (HIV prevention and pregnancy prevention) as well as helping kids with special needs.  I will have plenty of time next week to think about my projects and figure out how to implement them.

This week has been a soul-searching week.  God is showing me how truly strong and independent I truly am.  I often think how comfortable I could be at home, in my comfort zone (that thought has crossed my mind so much this past week).  I happened to stumble upon a quote by Perry Noble that said,   
“A person who always backs down from challenging situations will never step into the “greater things” that God has for them.”
Since I’ve been here I’ve said “yes” to every opportunity that has come my way.  I am putting myself out there and just letting things happen.  I’m gonna live up this experience and get as much out of this as possible.  This will be a life-changing experience!!!

“There is no one like our God.  For Greater things have yet to come…Greater things are still to be done in this city” –Lyrics from “God of this City” by Chris Tomlin-

God Bless!

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