Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week 4 Update!

Week 4:                                                                                        (1/24/2012)    

The days go by slow here, but the weeks relatively fast!...Another week gone, but I’m finally in somewhat of a routine and getting use to this place.  I am finally doing things and beginning to see places where I can help.

I had a meeting on Wednesday with Gabriella and Jenny about the current situation with the sports program here in Las Salinas.  Katie, the last ambassador, was very involved in the program, and I thought this might be a place to dive into.  After the meeting, I decided not to further explore that avenue. 

Caroline and I discussed a few weeks ago about forming a youth group here in Las Salinas.  It would kind of be a focus group in which teenagers would come and have fun and learn at the same time.  I am in the beginning stages of creating a curriculum of health, sex ed, nutrition, exercise, and good citizenship.  We will not implement the program until the kids are back in school, so I have about a month to work on the curriculum. 

The clinic has been very slow lately.  On Thursday, Jessica taught me how to do patient intakes for the pediatrician.  While its basic stuff, it’s exciting to be doing something for the clinic.   

I’m halfway done reading my second devotional book.  Revolutions in World Missions has been more a more informational book about missions in Asia, but it is helping me realize how blessed we as American truly are.  God doesn’t want fans…he wants disciples.  What are you doing to benefit the community of God?  I am also still working on my summary devotion of Sun Stand Still.  I’ll hopefully post that in a week or so.

God is continuing to show me how truly awesome and faithful he is.  There is no way I could have made it without him during these last 4 weeks.  I look forward to what he is going to teach me during this next week.

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." -James 1:12-

God Bless!

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