Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Caroline and Uncle Matt

On Friday, Caroline had a special message for Uncle Matt....

My second niece/nephew is due October 24th. Caroline has brought so much joy and love into our family over the past 11 months and I can only imagine how much more Baby H #2 is going to bring.

I try to have skype dates with Caroline and Julie (and sometimes Derek) at least twice a week.  I just figured out how to print screen on my mac, so I got some awesome pics of our skype date from Monday.
"Hi Uncle Matt" 
"I'll see you soon"
I love this little girl so much!  She knows just how to brighten my day!

Caroline:   Uncle Matt misses you and can not wait to see you soon! I love you baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, Uncle Matt, Caroline misses you too! I think she will probably start calling the computer "Matt" soon! Everytime we say "Where is Matt?", she goes for the computer screen! It is too funny. We love you and can't wait for you to get home! Caroline and Baby #2 are so blessed to have you for an uncle!
