Sunday, April 29, 2012

Adios Las Salinas

Wednesday, April 18th was my last day in Las Salinas de Nahualapa, Nicaragua.

The night before I left I gave some presents to Mama Marcia and Manuelito.  I gave everyone in the family Clemson t-shirts so they could represent in Nicaragua.  Below is a picture of Manuel with his on.
Manuelito loved all his gifts!

Headin off to school

Mama Marcia and Me

Last Family Picture
My home away from home!  

My time in Las Salinas was an incredible experience.  I learned so much about myself and about the Nicaraguan culture.  A special Thank You to my fellow FIMRC-Limon team (Caroline, Jessica & Yanira) and to my host family!  It's a bittersweet goodbye, but I will be back one day!

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting...I've missed reading about your life away from home!
    Love you LOTS,
