Friday, March 30, 2012

Week 13 / 3 Months!!!

Week 13                                  (3/27/2012)
3 Months in Nica

3 Months in Nica!!! Crazy… Another week down.  I’m back into my routine.  This week we had our largest group here (17 from University of Illinois and Georgia Tech).  I spent most of the week helping with programs and events for them.  Two days I took a group of students throughout Limon II to pass out invitations for a Vaccination Fair they are holding on Saturday.  It was pretty cool going door-to-door throughout the community and meeting some of the locals.

On Monday, we celebrated Manuelito's 8th Bday.  We had a pizza party at the grandparents house.  Manuel's mom and 5 month old little brother, who lives in Managua, came down for the week.  It was nice having Karen and Baby Joel here.
On Wednesday, we held our 4th Youth Group Session.  We worked on our group unity and got to know each other better.  After our lesson and activities, we went outside and played a game with some water balloons. Good time!

On this past Tuesday I went with Yanira to the primary school in Virgan Morina.  I helped here give a charla (educational talk) on Dental Hygiene.  We did 3 lessons there for the 1st, 5th, and 6th grade classes.
Our Awesome Poster
1st Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade

On Saturday, I opened my last gift from my sister.  When she same down a few weeks ago she left me a week-long care package that I was to open starting the day my friend left.  I loved all the random stuff she gave me.  I got some awesome stuff that made me smile.  Thanks Mel for the gifts…I love them!
Soo…3 Months down…5 weeks to go (3 weeks left in Las Salinas).  Crazy how the Month of March has flown by.  God is continuing to show himself faithful here and I can’t wait to see what he has in store for me!

God Bless!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Friend Week- Kate in Nica!!!

Friend Week!  (3/11/2012 - 3/18/2012)

On Sunday my family flew out and my best friend, Katelin Edwards flew in.  It was awesome that we could arrange the flights where Kate flew in at Noon and the family left at 1pm. 

Kate and I stayed at La Tica 2, which is a hotel right on Playa Guasecate.  It was a cool environment full of backpackers and surfers…and it was only $6 a night! 

We spent most of the week:
-Relaxing on the beach
-Walking around town (to and from the clinic)
-Hitching Rides around town
-Hanging out at Magnific Rock
-Playing cards
-Watching House or movies
-Trying out different restaurants
1st Pic in Nica
La Tica 2, our hotel on Playa Guasecate
Ordering lunch at the Tajada Stand
View from Magnific Rock
 (Pretty sure this will be blown up and hung on my wall)
Kate with Manuelito
Walk to town over my awesome bridge!
View of the road from my front porch

On Friday morning we caught a bus from Las Salinas to Rivas.  From there we took a taxi to Granada.  We checked into Hospedaje Cocibolca, a hotel right on main street.  We dropped our bags then went exploring. 

We spent the weekend walking through Granada, seeing the market, shopping in the park, looking at the cathedral, and trying out various restaurants.  On Saturday, we also took a boat tour on Lake Nicaragua to see the islets.  The town was pretty exciting this week.  The nightlife was interesting with the streets full of loud music, dancing, and eating.  A couple of places were even celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.
Our Hotel in Granada
Granada Market
Fresca in a favorite 

On Sunday morning, Yasmil drove us to the airport.
Last Pic in Nica at the airport
I’m so thankful to have a friend that is willing to come see me this far away and be perfectly content with just relaxing and enjoying time together. 

A Special Thank you to:
-Katelin for being willing to come to Nica during her Spring Break
-Charlotte and Erik (Katlein’s Parents) for sending Kate here

God has truly blessed me with 2 great weeks with my family and my friend.  These weeks have been the highlight of my time here in Nica and I had a blast making memories. 

God Bless! 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Family Week in Nica!!!

Family Week!!!   (3/3/12 – 3/11/12)

On Saturday morning I took a taxi to Managua Airport to pick up my family.  I was so anxious and excited to see my parents and sister.  Being reunited with them after 9 and a half weeks was awesome.  After they arrived we packed ourselves in a tiny taxi and started the 3 hour journey to Las Salinas and Limon Dos, Nicaragua.  We arrived at Surf Sanctuary right before sunset, so we dropped our bags off in our house and headed straight for the beach.  We watched the sunset and then ate fish and chicken tacos at a restaurant on the beach.
MGA Airport 
MGA Airport (waiting on our taxi)
Our house (Casa Rob) at the Surf Sanctuary
Nica Sunset- Night 1
On Sunday morning I woke up at 6am (like I always do here).  I went and got breakfast and set the table and then went and woke everyone up.  We had family breakfast and then the gifts came flooding in.  I received soooo many birthday gifts and care packages from family and friends back at home. All the cards, snacks, and gifts I received were awesome and I am very thankful for them all.  I think I have enough candy to last me a lifetime.  Thank you soooo much if you sent something for me.  I appreciate it more than you know and will it will help make these last 2 months here easier for me. 
Blessed to have great family and friends that support me! 
Caroline's Vday Card
Representing WellSpring in Nica

Sunday and Monday was filled with fun, family time.  We hung out at the pool, went to the beach, played cards, ping-pong, and pool, and just enjoyed being together.  I took them to more local restaurants for lunch and dinner.

Lunch at Rancho Santana 

Epic Fail...haha

Tuesday morning we walked to the beach because Melanie wanted to try out surfing..haha (epic fail).  The waves here are too large and too rough for newbies like us.  Pops and Mel went back to hang out at the pool while Mom and I went on a walk on the beach.  Around lunchtime Mel and I headed to the clinic.  I had to go in to work on my youth group plans and prepare for Session 2.  That night I took the family to Yolanda’s, a local restaurant which serves authentic Nicaraguan food. 

Finally got the hang of it..haha
Playa Santana
Walk on the beach with Mom!
Family Pic with Yolanda
Wednesday was my parents 32nd Wedding Anniversary.  I am very blessed to have loving, Christian parents who are still in love with each other after that many years.  That morning I set us up horse rides through the town and on the beach.  It was an awesome, fun experience to ride horses on the beaches of Nicaragua.  At lunchtime Mel and I headed to the clinic again for Teen group.  We had 14 teenagers come and 15 volunteers from Catholic University of America (Washington D.C.)  It was a large group, but Session 2 of Grupo de Jovenes went great!  That night we went and watched sunset and then ate fish and chicken tacos again.

32 years and going strong!  Blessed!

Thursday was another free day for me.  I didn’t have to go into the clinic after all, so we hung out by the pool and then went and ate pizza on the beach for lunch.  That afternoon I took them to Magnific Rock, which is a huge restaurant, bar, hotel on the clinic of a mountain.  We had desert and drinks and watched sunset from up there.  That night we watched Lion King (El Rey Leon) in Spanish!!!
Watching the surfers  (I love my momma!) 
Family pic at Magnific Rock
Clemson pride!
Sunset with Magnific Rock on the hill 
Friday morning we caught a taxi to Masaya to shop at the local market before making our way to Granada, Nicaragua.  Granada is the oldest city in the Americas that is right on Lake Nicaragua.  We checked into our hotel, Posada San Jose, and then walked to the waterfront and caught a boat ride.  There are over 100 islets in the lake that have houses, monkeys, and other cool things to check out.
Last pic infront of our house at the SS
Market in Masaya

My favorite house...because it has water running under it
(FYI...its my dream to have a house with water running under it)

Saturday we spent the whole day exploring the town.  We went to the Cathedral and Park, which had tons of venders selling all kind of things.  At times it got a little ridiculous with them, but eventually we got use to them.  I also took the family to the market in Granada.  It was an experience that I loved, but most of the family didn’t enjoy as much.  People were packed everywhere and the smell wasn’t that great.  We ate lunch and dinner at restaurants along the cobblestone streets with lots of people and Spanish music all around.

Haggling in the park 

On Sunday, the journey came to an end.  We took a short walk around the park before our taxi arrived.  My parents and sister flew out around 1pm to head back to the states.

I am so blessed to have a loving family that is willing and able to come see me all the way in Nicaragua.  Having them here has been the highlight of my time here and we made so many awesome memories.  I needed this family time to rejuvenate me and help me through the second half of this journey here in Nica.  I can’t wait to be reunited with my whole family in May!

God is Great!  God is Able! God is Faithful!!  Keep the Faith!

God Bless!