Thursday, March 1, 2012

Week 9 / 2 Months / Halfway Mark!!!

Week 9 / 2 Months / Halfway Mark              (2/28/2012)

Week 9 was by far the fastest week I have had here. Here is a brief breakdown of my week:
Mon: Started official 8-4ish schedule
Thursday: Gave Presentation on Grupo de Jovenes (in Spanish!!) at Las Salinas Secondary School to over 100 parents and teachers
Saturday: Went throughout Virgan Morgan, Las Salinas, & Limon passing out invitations for Teen Group with Jessica, a local teenager
Saturday / Sunday: New Group Arrived (8 People from Michigan, Pennsylvania,& N.D.)
Monday: Aldofo, Eveling, & Yoiseling left for University in Managua
Rosalpina (Director of Las Salinas Schools)
Teacher/Parent Mtg.  (Group I gave my presentation to)
Overflow crowd
Me and Mama Marcia!! (My Nica Host Mom)
Sending the Kids off for University  (at 5am!) 
My Nica Family
Groups have officially arrived!!!  “March Madness” as we are calling it has officially started.  Over the next month, we will host over 50 volunteers here on site.  As you can see things are thankfully finally rolling and will take off this next coming week.

Halfway Mark!!!  Part of me feels I just got here and the other part had felt like I’ve been here for an eternity.  There is no way to sum up all I have experienced over the past 2 months.  I look back at how far I’ve come and how much I’ve learned and I am blown away.  Through it all God has been faithful!

This time here has definitely taught me how great of a support system of family and friends I have.  Skype dates and facebook chats have become highlights of my week.  I love catching up on life, but I also gain encouragement from seeing and talking to my people.

Mom, Pops, and Melanie arrive in Nicaragua on Saturday!!!! As excited as I was about coming to Nica, I am even more excited to have my family here with me for a week!  I have some fun stuff planed for their trip, but most of all I just look forward to having family time again!

As hard as this past 2 months have been, I know that these last 2 are going to be amazing.  With all that is going to be going on here for the next 5 weeks, the month of March will fly by.  I’m excited for all the new experiences that will be occurring over the next 2 months!

Trust God…for he is faithful.  Go face the world with boldness today.  Know he is always with you and will take care of all your problems.
 "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus"   Philippians 1:6

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are going to start getting craazy. Love the updates!
